Chris Gore
The Jackson Garrett Band
Chris Gore
The Jackson Garrett Band (2011)
Steve Neilen
Jeff Stover
John Pagels
Slim Man
Chris singing
Chris with Kathrine Kay (Sweet Pea)
Chris Gore circa 1998
Chris Gore circa 2009
Steve Neilen, Chris Gore, Marty Steele
Chris Gore and Earl Brown (2007)
Pat Rizzo and Chris Gore (2005)
Pat Rizzo and Chris Gore in Palm Springs, CA (2014)
Chris Gore with Trini Lopez in Palm Springs, CA (2013)
Chris Gore with Michael Feinstein in Sherman Oaks, CA (2010)
Burton Cummings and Chris Gore (2010)
The Jackson Garrett Band (2012)
The Jackson Garrett band at The Nino Fontana Memorial in Palm Springs (circa 2013)
The Jackson Garrett Band (2011)
Chris Gore
Chris Gore, with Jeff Stover and Jay Lewis
Dennis Burke
Darci Daniels
Jeff Stover (2012)
Mike Costley (2010)
Chris Gore (2011)
The Jackson Garrett Band (2010)
Andy Fraga, Jr.
Steve Alaniz
Jeff Stover
Stan Watkins
John Pagels
The Jackson Garrett Band (2011)
C Gore
The Trunk